Tucquan Glen & Pyfer Nature Preserve
Lancaster County Conservancy Nature Preserve and hiking trail
Located in Martic Township, Tucquan Glen & the Pyfer Preserve contains more than 380 acres. Tucquan Glen meanders to the Susquehanna River tributary. Part beautiful and peaceful, part wild and rugged, the glen is one of the most pristine and scenic of the seven ravines that open into the Susquehanna.
The Tucquan Creek and its tributary Clark Run are listed as Pennsylvania Wild and Scenic Rivers, which are protected for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. The Preserve also features tumbling waterfalls, a mix of hardwood trees and a variety of animal, bird and reptile life. Parking is limited.
Hike at your own risk. For a preserve trail map, click here. The preserve is managed by the Lancaster County Conservancy. Visit the Conservancy website at www.lancasterconservancy.org to learn more about hiking, hunting, and parking conditions and any restrictions.
800 River Road, Holtwood, PA 17532
(717) 392-7891